Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

We care about your privacy. Cloudos respects your privacy with regard to any information we may collect from you through our website. This privacy policy describes how we collect data from visitors, why we collect the data, and how we use and share the information.

How do we collect data and information?

Cloudos asks for permission before collecting any data or personal information from you. When you browse our website, we might ask you to provide us with certain information so we can better deliver your requested service. You will know when and why we're collecting information and how it will be used. We may also obtain your information through our events. The collected information may include, but is not limited to, first and last name, email address, phone number, country, etc.

Why do we collect data and information?

We collect different types of information to provide and improve our services to you. We may also use the information collected to:

  • Customize your online experience and improve customer support.

  • Communicate with you about our products and services.

  • Notify you about any changes on the website.

  • Notify you about your account or subscription.

  • Improve our products and services to meet your expectations.

  • Avoid frauds, detect and prevent technical issues, and fix bugs.

  • Monitor our website traffic and protect minors and children. We do not collect data from children under the age of 13 as we immediately delete their information in compliance with applicable law.

  • Protect you against unauthorized access to data about you.

How do we use and share your information?

We may share your personal information with some third-party service providers only to perform certain business functions (example: Mailchimp, Google Analytics, etc.). Please feel free to check out their own privacy policies, as we do not take any responsibility or liability for these policies.

Information might also be shared between the company's different branches and employees for any of the purposes mentioned in the above section, "Why do we collect data and information?" and to fulfill business tasks.

We put full effort into securing your information, but we cannot guarantee the 100% confidentiality of information transmitted via the internet. We use the appropriate technical and security measures based on the type of personal data and applicable processing activity. 


We use cookies on our website to recognize your browser or device for functionality purposes, preferences, and website performance. Cookies are small files with a small amount of data that are created and stored by your device automatically when visiting our website. You can instruct your browser to accept or refuse all cookies. Refusing cookies will block some of our features. Our website uses the following cookies:

  • Essential cookies: these are crucial cookies that need to be accepted in order to have access to features and services requested.

  • Functional cookies: these cookies allow the website to record your choices and settings regarding services. The website can recognize you, customize content just for you, and remember your preferences.

  • Analytical cookies: these cookies help us understand the way visitors are using our website, monitor the number of visitors, track and measure their performance, etc.

  • Advertising cookies: these cookies help us collect data about the visitor's online activities and interests to provide you with advertising accordingly.

Contact Us

Interested in Cloudos? Just pick up the phone and chat with one of our representatives. You can also contact us via this email: [email protected], or send us a message below.

Contact Us